Behind the Scenes Shop Work

I’m quite happy with my recent market stall set up, it’s taken me a couple years of trial and error, but I feel like I’ve gotten to a stage where my stall is a fairly accurate depiction of my illustration style, and basically a physical version of my website, that potential new customers and clients can see in person, and get a good idea of me and my work. I think it’s the new sign with my business name and the addition of a couple more frames, that have really tied it all together.

This satisfaction unfortunately doesn’t come without a cost of chaos behind closed doors… My house is my studio and storage for all of my stock and sometimes it can become pretty messy, however my housemate very kindly put some basic shelves together which helps organise the madness, and I’m genuinely very grateful for my corner of crap and cardboard, and the things it allows me to do 🫶🏻