Mujer With A Movie Camera

I recently had the pleasure of illustrating a poster for Lorena Pino Montilla, a film programmer and MA Curating Student at UWE, for her curated film season at Watershed Cinema. The title of the season is ‘Mujer With A Movie Camera’. Showing 4 different Latin American films, from female directors, exploring stories of women and young people at the margins of society. These four films are: 

  • Daughter of Rage by Laura Baumeister de Montis

  • Children of Las Brisas by Marianela Maldonado

  • Song Without A Name by Melina León

  • Alis by Clare Weiskopf and Nicolás van Hemelryck

Each film focuses on different hardships in very diverse areas in Latin America, so it was a challenge to try and combine all themes and settings into one, but I’m thrilled with the end result.

The project was brought to life by Watershed and Make Shift, a place for early career creatives curious about film &/or creative technology practice. Each month a different MA student from University of West of England puts together a collection of curated films to be shown to the public. I was incredibly grateful to be chosen to create a poster for this particular one, focusing on the courageousness of female characters and colourfulness of Latin American culture.