Content creation

With all freelance project coming to an end last month and social weekend plans getting in the way of market stall opportunities, I decided to focus my free time recently into some content creation, to try and promote my products, create more online sales and draw in more audiences and hopefully new commissioners.

Most of my content creation was done on Instagram in the form of reels, as this seems to be the main area of focus on social media at the moment, but I will admit I’ve experience a disappointing result and I’m loosing faith in the platform all together… However, I’m sure having this additional content out there can’t hurt and even if it brings just a few more sales and a new project here and there then it will be worth it. Just at the moment with sales and work being at a real low point, it’s quite a deflating space to be in. I’ve also been up-keeping my activity of other platforms including LinkedIn, Pinterest, Behance, Dribble and The Dots, again with limited outcomes for now.

Content creation has never been my favourite part of freelancing, but saying that, I’m quite happy with what I’ve created. I feel my posts are reasonably professional, showcase my work in an interesting way, and there’s also a recent amount of variety amongst them! It’s also nice just for me to remind myself of some of the work that I’ve done as I haven’t had the time or motivation recent to do much drawing at all.

Click here to check out my recent posts!