As May draws to a finish, I’m feeling reflective on my busiest month of market stalls, having ran a stall 4 weekends in a row! As always, it was a learning curve with mixed results from each weekend.
I started off at the M32 Flea Market, I initially had doubts about this one, thinking my work was potentially a little too up market for their target audience. However, I ended the day on a high and decent profit. This was also my first market trailing framed prints and I sold 2 to one customer! So definitely a good move introducing framed prints with an easy profit margin increase. I also, as always, met a bunch of lovely people and got some pointers for upcoming markets.
Next was The Creator’s Market Bristol at Strangebrew. Having previously attend during the Christmas period, and it being my most successful market, I had high hopes, but the spike in good weather, meant everyone wanted to be in the sun and not at an indoor market in town. Despite the organisers best efforts to increase the foot traffic, I ended up actually making a loss due to the cost of the table and taxis there and back. But hey, you live and you learn!
The 3rd was Bath Independent market, one with what felt like a fairly fancy clientele and reduced costs as I travelled with my fellow market maker Ashleigh. The day once again was pretty quiet due to nice weather and being indoors but I achieved a decent profit in the end.
Finally was a last minute spot shared with Ashleigh at St Nic’s Market, supposedly one of Bristol’s best. And despite having just half a stall, again a pleasant profit!
Overall I learnt a lot which I can bring to future markets and hopefully only improve my profits even more!
Although it’s obviously hard to predict, aim for indoor markets on rainy days and outdoor markets on sunny days.
Having your prints on display, up high (eye-level) is super helpful to reel customers in
Share a stall and a car if possible to reduce costs
Framed prints and deals on 3 or more prints are a great way to convince customers of additional sales!
I don’t plan on attending lots more markets soon, maybe just a few here and there to boost sales and marketing around summer plans, but November/December time I plan to do as many as possible and make the most of the Christmas rush. Hopefully with a few more products to add to my options!